Yen, Shu (2)
Basic info

First appearance: Fantasy Flight Games Imperial Assault Miniatures Game
Relations: Jedi Order


"My Master taught me how to be swift. It did not save him, but I shall not forget his teachings"
- Diala Passil about Shu Yen

Shu Yen was a Jedi Master who was murdered sometime before the Galactic Civil War by Darth Vader on Yavin IV. His apprentice, Diala Passil, survived the event. Later came to Yavin IV to deal with her inner demons where she fought the spirit of Darth Vader and retrieved Shu Yen's lightsaber.

Complete list

Temptation : Yavin 4 - Wilderness (Diala Passil) Shu Yen's Lightsaber
Temptation : Yavin 4 - Wilderness (Diala Passil)
Shu Yen's Lightsaber
Tags (2)

Passil, Diala | Twi'lek

Passil, Diala
The tatoos don't like the same as those sported by Diala, and LAAT can be seen in the background. It can be assumed that the picture shows Diala during the Clone Wars, but there is no confirmation.

Last updated: 22.11.2020 21:59:04